If you’re replacing one of Femshep’s textures, you will be looking for BIOG_HMF_ARM_CTH_R.pcc (casual clothing) or BIOG_HMF_ARM_SHP_R.pcc (armor). Load the PCC if you know what file you’re looking for in the CookedPCConsole folder or select Load from Database to populate a list. Open up ME3 Explorer and navigate to Meshporer:Ģ. dds files with “diff,” “norm,” and “spec” in their names. If you download one of mine, you’ll see that each folder comes with a. Then you’ll need the to download the modding files that you want to use. dds files to replace meshes and textures in the game because it’s a little more advanced and there aren’t a lot of tutorials out there on how to do it.

tpf through it – very simple and there are some good tutorials out there so I won’t really go into it (check here and here for instructions on how to use. You just download the Texmod program and run the. You will generally encounter three types of mods (and the programs you need to use them): So here I am sharing my limited findings so you can make your Shep as badass as mine :) You can find my Development Thread and see my works in progress.Some of you have been trying to use my awesome mods for Femshep and don’t know how … well, it took me a while to fumble my way through it as well with the scattered tutorials I’ve found on the internet, but none of them really dumbed down the process for texture and mesh replacing enough. If you are thinking of downvoting this mod, please provide feedback first, so I know what I should improve on/did wrong. If you want to provide feedback, whether its good or bad, then post in the General Feedback Thread. If you have issues with this mod or spotted a bug, please report it in the Bug Report Thread. I really just need more skinners that are able to rig uniforms to XCOM 2.

If anyone wants to help port the hero or any other uniforms, or accelerate the rate that this mod gets more content, feel free to get in touch with me. It's gonna look bad if I make a vanilla version. The reason is that War of the Chosen's PBR system is more accurate and much better than its vanilla counterparts. THERE WILL BE NO VANILLA VERSION OF THIS MOD OR ANY OTHER ME:A PORTS! This mod adds a new jacket from the mediocre title, Mass Effect: Andromeda, that can be worn by both human males and females for all units.